My Superhero

Everyone has some superheros in their lives. I want to tell you about one of my superheros.

We had a wedding in the family this weekend, so his two sisters came up from the south for a few days. One of the sisters wanted to go hiking on Vromn’s Nose, so some of the siblings wanted to go with her. I hadn’t been there yet, so I asked Joe if i could go and he said yes.

So we all jump in the cars (including his sisters dog) and head to the hiking place. When we get there, Joe puts me on his back and up the mountain we go. We have to stop a few times up the mountain, but we eventually make it to the top! At the top we sit with the siblings, talk, catch our breath, and look at the amazing view!

After a little while on the top of the mountain, Joe gets me back on his back and we head down the mountain. Going down was easier for Joe, but a little scary for me🤣 . I started on Joe’s back in the beginning on the way down, then he put me on his shoulders for a little bit (a little more scary for me🤣), then I went on his back the rest of the hike down.

A man who carries his wife on his back and shoulders for a 1.5mile hike is a superhero to me!!! This superhero does many more things that makes him a superhero. I will expand on that more later. This post I wanted to tell him that he’s an amazing guy and I love him so much for taking me on that hike.

I love you so much superhero hubby💓💓💓